bhc-pastors-leaders-400px Pastors & Leaders Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

Belgrave Heights Conve​ntion
Pastors & Leaders Convention 2025

Breathe: Leading Today
A Christian Ministry Leaders Conference

Speakers for 2025

Sam Allberry

sam-allberry-350px Pastors & Leaders Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

Is a pastor, apologist, and speaker. He is the author of 7 Myths About SinglenessWhy Does God Care Who I Sleep With?What God Has to Say About Our Bodies, and, with Ray Ortlund, You’re Not Crazy.
He serves as associate pastor at Immanuel Nashville, is a canon theologian for the Anglican Church in North America, and is the cohost of TGC’s podcast You’re Not Crazy: Gospel Sanity for Young Pastors

Stephen McAlpine

stephen-mcalpine-350px Pastors & Leaders Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

A pastor and church planter for thirty years, Stephen now writes and speaks on issues of theology, culture and church, in particular the increasing pressures on religious belief in the secular public square. He is married to Jill, who runs a clinical psychology practice in Perth, and they have two children. Steve enjoys running. He loves nothing better than hanging out having coffee with his wife in some urban place. He recently published ‘Being the Bad Guys’ and another book is hot off the press, ‘Futureproof’.


Full Conference, includes accommodation, food 
$150 (early bird discount, ends Jan 2025)

Full Conference and food (no accommodation) 
$100 (early bird discount, ends Jan 2025)

Wednesday Night only Option $20
If coming with more than 5 from same church $15 per person 

Registration Opening Soon
bhc-pastors-leaders-300px Pastors & Leaders Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention



Arrive from 9:30 for a 10am start
Session 1 
Does the Future have a church? Stephen McAlpine
1-2:30pm Session 2 Do you have a future in the church? Stephen McAlpine
The Body Count of Ministry Burnout
Session 3 Ministry Culture Sam Allberry

Wednesday Evening (Open to all)

Session 4 Gender, sexuality and the church Sam Allberry
Includes Q & A with Sam & Stephen 


Session 5 Don’t be Silly!
Leading with Emotional Intelligence Stephen McAlpine
11-12:30 Session Rediscovering Discipleship Sam Allberry

1:30pm FINISH