bhc-spring-convention-logo Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention bhc-spring-convention-2024 Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

BHC Spring Convention

4 Gospel Truths which Never Age 

25-27 October 2024

Speaker: David Cook  

Spring Convention is a great time to meet up with friends, make new ones, share fellowship together and
learn more from God’s Word. As we are in or approaching retirement, we have had many life experiences and may
have worked out the Ageless truths of life. However, there is always more to learn in our spiritual journey and it is our privilege to have David Cook with us as he shares four truths from the Bible which do not change.
This year we will be enjoying the new facilities in the Hope Centre for meals and accommodation 
(an available option).
The program will include inspirational messages from David, praise and worshipping God as we enjoy music from all ages, seminars on relevant topics, a bookshop for you to browse, good food and recreational activities.

Come yourself and bring a friend!.

Download Program Flyer

Message from our Speaker

Come and stay over the weekend, catch up with old friends, and make some new ones.

dr-david-cook-350px Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

Speaker - David Cook

David Cook is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) and Moore Theological College (MTC). David pastored two Presbyterian churches, one in Wee Waa, NSW and one in inner city Ashfield, in Sydney. For 26 years David was the Principal of SMBC (1986-2011). For 13 years he was the Chairman of the Katoomba Christian Convention(1991-2004). After leaving SMBC David and his wife, Maxine set up the
Expository Preaching Trust in order to encourage faithful and engaging preaching of the Bible. David and Maxine have 5 adult
children and 15 grandchildren.


Full Convention Registration with accommodation and meals

Hope Centre $210*

Budget $165*

Camp site per person $120

*Mattress provided but bring all other bedding

Full Registration includes complimentary entry to Songs of Praise

Convention Registration without accommodation

Full Registration, lunches and dinners $105

Full Registration, no meals $60

Casual Registration – Friday only $15

Casual Registration – Saturday only $50

Casual Registration – Sunday only $15

Casual meals – per meal $15

Saturday night dinner with guest artist $25

Book Here
bhc-spring-convention-logo Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention



6:00pm - Dinner in the Hope Centre dining room
7.45pm David Cook – Washed
9pm Supper


10am David Cook – Welcome 
11am Morning tea 
11.45am David Cook – Waiting 
1pm Lunch Afternoon Activities 
6pm Dinner & Concert – Julian Dunham
9pm Supper


10am David Cook – Four truths
12 noon Lunch
2:30pm Songs of Praise (ticket to Spring Convention includes entry to Songs of Praise)