Term 1 2024 - Friday 1st March
Mitcham Baptist Church - 8/12 Simla St, Mitcham, 3132

In addition to your VCYC convention, we run One Night Events (ONEs) throughout the year across metro Melbourne and regional Victoria. These ONEs run in Term 1 and Term 4. Our vision is to “equip young people with God’s Word to impact their world.” 
Under that vision, our ONEs serve three purposes:  

  1. To provide encouraging networking opportunities for youth groups as we unite in the Gospel. Come along with hundreds of others to gather as God’s people, around his word, for his praise!

  2. To provide opportunities to check out the ministry of VCYC without attending the entire convention. So come along if you’re keen to check our VCYC and would like to meet with others who attend.

  3. To build momentum as we head towards the weekend convention. This is a great way to help rally your youth group around attending the May event!

At our ONEs you can expect all the regular features of a VCYC event: a bible talk, youth testimonies, corporate singing, food, fun, and fellowship. The night will begin at 7:00pm for a BBQ then the main session from 7:30-9:30pm.

There is no need to register or RSVP if you want your group to attend. Simply sign in on arrival so we know you are there and enjoy the night. There is no cost to attend the night either though we do ask for a gold coin donation for the BBQ.


VCYC 2023: May 19-21 with Andy May

Our weekend convention featuring all of our usual talks, workshops, prayer, music, food & fellowship. Andy May will be preaching on Psalms to help us keep the Psalms on repeat!


Want to hear great bible teaching from previous VCYC events? We’ve got audio and video talks that are a great resource for you or your youth group! And all free of charge!


It takes a mighty team of volunteers to make VCYC happen: people who generously give to help youth encounter Jesus and respond to Him.